Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Moving Back

If anyone is still reading this, I apologize for the stillness of my blog over the last year. It’s not because I have given up blogging, it’s that I couldn’t talk about what we have been going through…what was really on the hearts and minds of the Diaz family.

Last June on our fundraising trip to the United States it became apparent that God was calling us back to the United States and back to Washington Cathedral.

When we moved to Honduras four years ago, it was without a return date. We sold and gave away everything we had in the States (which wasn’t much). When asked, we told people our plan was to serve in Honduras 3 – 5 years, then we would reassess (but in our hearts, we were thinking more like 10 years).

Then last year something began happening that surprised us. God began whispering “pastor” to Rey….and he didn’t know quite what to do with that. In June 2011, church leaders met with us and they asked us to come back and help – long term.

We called Pastor Jeony from the United States and tears came to my eyes as he generously and without hesitation encouraged us to go….if the church needs us, then we must. Honduras is a country that tops the lists of violent crime worldwide. It has more problems than it knows what to do with. And it has become home.

In three weeks we will pack our bags and board a plane, as we are so accustomed to….but this time to stay. I think I can speak for my family when I say that our heart strings are too entangled to figure out which to loosen, which to firm up and tie more tightly. The good news is that we are keeping our house here in Honduras, and our jobs require us to come back a couple times a year.

But this family’s pilgrimage will certainly look different…May God be venerated.


Cindi said...

You have done well good and faithful servant! Prayers for a safe journey home and prayers for those you leave behind.

Hollie said...

Thanks for sharing! I can't imagine this feeling...we are going to miss you guys greatly. Thanks for putting forth an example of obedience.