Monday, January 30, 2012

The Twilight of Childhood

So far all of my favorite seasons in a child’s life are those moments leading up to a big transition. Like the moment before boys hit puberty: all sweetness and innocence, they don’t think it at all weird to play with action figures….until the monster hits.

Elijah is in one of those twilight moments. Next week he starts school and I will need to hand him over to his peers. He will have to be independent. I will not be there to open his goldfish bag or to guy him when he’s sad.
In this season of life his mama is his hero. He picks me to be the coolest character, no matter how hard his dad works to convince him that he is Optimus Prime. He just wants to hang out with me and sit as close as possible and offers spontaneous tokens of affection: “YOU are my sweetness!”

I don’t want to let him go. What will happen to our “invisible umbilical”?

*             *            *
My everything just walked out the door. With a sweet kiss and a casual “bye Mama,” he is off to school…off to childhood, off to independence from me, as it should be, I suppose.


Secret Lives of Expats said...

So touching, gave me tears to my eyes because I have 2 sons as well.

Cindi said...

Cherish these moments as they pass too fast. The 'invisible umbicial cord' never really leaves, it just stretches further and further as our children age and grow.